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Applicants for the PRSA 2016 Board of Directors Positions
The following PRSA members have submitted applications to the PRSA 2015 Nominating Committee for review and consideration for the PRSA 2016 National Board of Directors. The Nominating Committee will choose nominees for open positions at its July 31–Aug. 2 meeting in Chicago. The nominees, along with any petitioned candidates, will be presented at the PRSA Leadership Assembly prior to the PRSA 2015 International Conference on Nov. 7 for approval.
Note: No PRSA members applied for the Secretary position. Members who have applied for other officer positions, and who indicated a willingness to serve the Society as Secretary, may be considered for this position.
Instructions: Click on an individual’s name or photo to review the full application. Use the “Refine your search” box to filter by position.